Taste and see what Adventist health principles can do for you and your loved ones!

In partnership with Paradise Health Clinic, we offer innovative wholistic community wellness programs.

Join a program today to begin your journey to optimal healing, longevity and disease reversal.

  • Compassion Newmarket

    Free comprehensive lifestyle medicine and massage therapy for individuals and families without insurance. Provided in partnership with Paradise Health Clinic.

    Learn more and apply here

  • Longevity 100

    Community longevity program

    Learn and experience the longevity secrets of world’s longest living and healthiest people. Provided in partnership with Paradise Health.

    Learn more and register here

  • Taste and See: Plant-based Cooking Series

    5-part cooking class

    Learn to create simple, healthy and delectable plant-based foods. Provided in partnership with Paradise Health.

    Register for next class

  • Lunch with the Doctor

    Monthly free lunch and learn

    Delicious plant-based lunch and health talk on how to transform your lifestyle into medicine. Provided in partnership with Paradise Health.

    RSVP for our next one

  • Natural Remedies Workshop

    Hand-on workshops where you learn how to make your own natural home remedies. Provided in partnership with Paradise Health.

    Learn more and register here

  • Brunch In Paradise

    Scrumptious Sunday plant-based brunches and health talks by Paradise Health clinicians. Provided in partnership with Paradise Health.

    Register for next brunch here

Adventists promote and practice bible and science-based wholistic health principles shown to optimize health and even potentially reverse common chronic health concerns.

  • Whole foods plant-based diets

  • Active living

  • Abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and other addictive substances

  • A weekly day of rest

  • Strong social and family connections

  • Lifestyle as medicine

  • Natural approaches to healing

  • Trust in God